Ovingham Drama Group is an enthusiastic and friendly amateur dramatic society located in Ovingham, a small village in Northumberland’s picturesque Tyne Valley. The group was set up in 1976 by Jim Wardle, and is still going strong in its 43rd year. We put on two or three productions every year, including an annual pantomime. Our plays are performed in the Reading Room, Ovingham’s village hall, which is located just opposite the village church. We usually also put on performances for other village events, such as the annual Goose Fair.
We meet every Thursday at 8 pm in the reading room (with a break during summer) to rehearse for our next performance or simply to read or talk about plays. We are always on the lookout for new members, from Ovingham or the broader area. If you’re interested in joining us, do contact us – or just come along to our next meeting. Anyone with any level of acting experience, or even none at all, is very welcome. Please feel free to just attend a meeting, or use the contact form below to get in touch with us.