7:00pm, Thursday 17 November 2022, at The Reading Room, Ovingham

The year is 1954 and world-famous murder mystery writer Agnes Dalrimple has been invited to present a talk on her work at the tiny rural village of Milton Spetchells.  To assist with her presentation, the local drama group have been tasked with acting out Miss Dalrimple’s latest play, a comic whodunnit named ‘Murder Most Fowl!’.  This piece, set out on a remote farm in the district of Scarsdale, centres around the brutal murder of local farmer Amos Ramsbottom.  Amos is found stabbed, hung up by his feet inside a rickety barn which doubles as a chicken coop.

But who would want to consign poor Amos to that great farmyard in the sky?  Could it be…

  • Constance, his discontented wife?
  • Son Tom, of whom so much is expected yet who’s struggling to fill his father’s Wellingtons?
  • Local butcher, Burt Lard, owner of the thriving ‘Lard’s Larder’?
  • Or Lottie Belcher, Scarsdale’s bull-ish Lady Mayoress?

Performance details

Ovingham Drama Group put on a single performance of Who Killed the Farmer, on Thursday, 17 November, at 7:00pm, in the Reading Room, Ovingham.

The three short acts of the play were separated by intervals in which the audience enjoyed a pie and pea supper plus nibbles and dessert, while they discuss the clues and make your accusations, serious or otherwise, and competed for prizes for the best answers.

An audience of around 40 people had an entertaining evening at Ovingham Reading Room, exercising their grey cells and taste buds in


Tickets for the performance were £10 each with food, and £5 without.